Welcome to We The People, a new political party in Oregon. In a time when corporate influence and partisan deadlock dominate our political landscape, we stand as a beacon of change, committed to revitalizing our democracy and returning power to the people.


Our mission is clear: to challenge the entrenched duopoly and the troubling overlap of corporate and state power.

We are dedicated to fostering a political environment where transparency, accountability, and genuine representation are at the forefront.

We believe that by embracing the core values of our Constitution, we can renew our Republic and address the urgent issues facing our nation.

We The People, we are a coalition of independents driven by a common goal—injecting new energy and action into the issues that truly matter to Oregonians and Americans alike. We advocate for a political approach that values each issue on its own merits, focusing on actions and results rather than ideological divisions.

Most importantly we have only one core platform issue to unite people, that is to fight corruption on every issue.

The rest is decided by the people at the city, county and state level by polling and asking what are the top 5 things you think are most important – then doing it.

By using a open simple federal approach – where you govern as locally as possible.

How? Asking we the people directly, rather than general policies written by lobbyists appealing to DC. As our system was meant to work.

Our commitment is to provide candidates with ideological diversity who prioritize listening to their constituents and delivering tangible results. We reject the influence of Washington DC lobbyists and the political tribalism that fragments our society. Instead, we promote unity for the common good, guided by data, facts, and direct action.

Oregon is a state full of independent thinkers

Join us in this transformative journey to harness the strength of our independent voices and drive the change we need. Together, we can challenge the status quo, bring new hope to our democracy, and create a government that truly reflects our shared values and aspirations.

Here are three central takeaways on why you should join We The People:

  • We Challenge All Unopposed Races: The approval rating for congress is at record lows below 12 percent, re-lection rates of incumbents are at 98%. Why, their parties are broken and most are unchallenged. We are a new party, and will challenge all open seats. This is rarely done as most coalition with either D or R and copy their strategy, meaning no 3rd party pressure ever used in practice, you hear about it, then its quietly minimized by nominating incumbents of traditional 2 party system. This is why incumbents often run against themselves in 3rd parties – Jon Doe(D) vs Jon Doe (etc.). So you get the image of choice leading up to vote, but on the ballot its one name. This is the standard practice, and it has held back 3rd parties from growing or being taken seriously. Not us, we will run citizens. You cannot build a independent movement, without running independents.
  • Anti Corruption: Why are most Americans so wildly unhappy with their leaders and representatives as a whole? Why do most want a third party? Because they know the graft, the corruption, the non-stop profiteering on every topic is preventing action. We will challenge those bad incentives, and make it more expensive to do wrong, by increasing the cost of incumbency with opposition and make it cheaper and easier to run as a independent for all citizens. By making bad things more expensive, and good things cheaper we can realign incentives.
  • A Federal Approach: Our founders thought of states as the laboratories of democracy, they can live up to that promise. But only by allowing citizens, not politicians from on-high to dictate what our priorities should be. Ask yourself, 3rd parties have been around for centuries yet few work together, independents outnumber democrats or republicans but have no cohesion. Why? The way we solve this is with action, by asking what people need then doing it – the opposite of what we have been doing, telling people what they need then delivering little to no results. We run local, we fight local, and we vote on the matters that directly unite us. That’s the path forward.

We The People are here to build a better future. Your voice matters. Let’s make it heard.