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Become A Member

For so long politics has removed the nuance, the individuality from politics, in essence the people.

We are there to bring it back, to let the people create our platform of issues, pick the candidates at every level, and participate like never before!

Step 1 – Sign our Anti-Corruption Pledge below

We The People – Means You

Step 2 – Change Your Party Registration

Go To My Vote.
Enter your name and date of birth. Click Submit
Select Update Registration at the bottom of the page.
Answer the two eligibility questions on the next screen. Click Continue.
Enter the required information on the next screen. Click Continue.
Change your party to We The People. Click Continue.
Verify the information is correct. Click Submit.

That’s it!

Simple as can be – now just. Wait for confirmation on your pledge being accepted.

If you don’t hear back in 30 days on the pledge let us know so we can follow up.

We strive to be faster as we grow larger. Together we can do this!

There are over 30k races in Oregon for public office. 80+ percent unchallenged, until now.

For Candidates

Our state, our country is not for sale.

Our platform is anti-corruption on every issue.

If you don’t take money from the problem, we want to hear from you.