Join us in shaping the future of Oregon with our

Discover our platform for a better Oregon, where we prioritize the rights and values of every citizen.

We The People Platform

1. Restoring Democracy and Accountability

  • End Corporate Influence: We are committed to reducing the impact of corporate lobbying and financial interests in our political system. By implementing stricter campaign finance reforms and transparency measures, we aim to ensure that elected officials prioritize the needs of their constituents over corporate donors.
  • Revitalize Civic Engagement: We will promote policies that encourage greater public participation in the political process, making it easier for citizens to voice their opinions and hold their representatives accountable.

2. Embracing Transparency and Integrity

  • Clear and Open Government: We advocate for increased transparency in government operations and decision-making processes. This includes making all government spending and lobbying activities publicly accessible and understandable.
  • Ethics and Accountability: We will enforce rigorous ethics standards for elected officials and government employees, ensuring that public service remains a duty to the people and not a platform for personal gain.

3. Prioritizing Core Constitutional Values

  • Uphold Constitutional Principles: Our platform is grounded in the core values of the Constitution, emphasizing individual freedoms, equality, and justice. We will work to renew these principles in all aspects of governance and policy-making.
  • Respect for State and Local Autonomy: We support the rights of states and local communities to govern themselves according to their unique needs and values, while maintaining a commitment to national unity and cohesion.

4. Independent and Action-Oriented Leadership

  • Diverse and Effective Representation: We believe in electing leaders with a range of ideological perspectives who are committed to listening to their constituents and taking decisive action on their behalf.
  • Issue-Based Solutions: Our approach to problem-solving focuses on addressing each issue on its own merits, without preconceived solutions. We aim to provide practical and effective responses tailored to the needs of the community.

5. Fostering Unity and Common Good

  • Nonpartisan Problem-Solving: We are dedicated to working across political divides to address the issues that affect all Americans. Our focus is on collaboration and consensus-building rather than divisive ideology.
  • Promoting Civic Pride and Duty: We encourage citizens and leaders alike to embrace a sense of civic pride and duty, working together for the common good and supporting initiatives that benefit the entire community.

6. Ensuring Fair Representation and Equality

  • Combat Political Tribalism: We seek to bridge political divides and counteract the fragmentation caused by extreme partisanship. By fostering dialogue and cooperation, we aim to create a more inclusive and united political environment.
  • Empower the Individual: We advocate for policies that enhance individual freedoms and opportunities, ensuring that every citizen has a fair chance to contribute to and benefit from our democracy.

7. Driving Data-Driven and Fact-Based Policies

  • Evidence-Based Decision Making: Our policies will be guided by data, facts, and empirical evidence rather than partisan rhetoric or unverified claims. We believe in making decisions based on rigorous analysis and real-world impact.

8. Addressing Urgent Issues with Practical Solutions

  • Focus on What Matters: We prioritize addressing pressing issues that affect our communities, such as healthcare, education, infrastructure, and environmental sustainability. Our goal is to implement effective and actionable solutions that make a tangible difference in people’s lives.

Join us in shaping a political future that truly represents the will of the people. Together, we can drive meaningful change, restore integrity to our government, and build a more united and effective democracy.

Bring individuality back to politics

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Together, we can make a difference in Oregon. Join We The People and be a part of a grassroots movement like no other.